Donald Igbokwe, professionally is the President of George Donaldson and Associates Inc. & One World Immigration Consulting Services. He has strong senior management and governance background having managed a business unit of a multinational corporation and served...
Dr. Amira Kafi brings to the position vast experience in international affairs, including service in several United Nations peace operations and extensive experience working with Refugees and Internal Displaced Persons, coupled with extensive experience in many...
Stanley Igboanugo is a Human Resources Coordinator with over ten years of experience overseeing human resources duties and increased employee satisfaction by advocating for expressed needs. He loves growing new ideas and serving as a bridge-builder on community...
Maryam Ndope,MSC, is a UX Designer, researcher, and consultant. She’s a former research scientist who has over 7 years of experience working with projects geared towards food security and improving livelihoods in communities in Africa. 14 years ago, she co-founded a...